Just how serious is a problem with sleep apnea? The longer you let the matter go without treatment, the more harmful it can become. Without treatment, your condition will effectively rob you of the ability to remain at rest throughout the night. This can lead to problems that match what you would experience from chronic sleep deprivation. Breathing disruptions that occur because of this condition can also lead to you experiencing difficulty with elevated blood pressure, which raises your risk for more health concerns! Our DFW area dental practice is prepared to help. With the right support, you can maintain a steady, healthy breathing pattern that lets you rest throughout the night once again.
Sleep Apnea Can Create Serious Problems In Your Daily Life
The troubles with sleep apnea extend beyond problems with snoring. Because this problem forces your body out of rest to deal with breathing difficulties, it breaks your rest cycles, which means you see fewer overall benefits from your night’s sleep. That can lead to difficulties with fatigue, irritability, problems maintaining your physical and emotional health, and other concerns often linked to prolonged sleep deprivation. Another concern is that the breathing interruptions themselves can cause your blood pressure to rise, something that will make you more vulnerable to problems that affect your heart!
Choosing Between Appliance Therapy And Support From A CPAP Machine
By bringing up sleep apnea with your dentist, you can put the matter behind you. The dental office may seem like an unlikely place to discuss matters that concern your nightly rest, but the discussion can be beneficial. People often experience what is known as obstructive sleep apnea, a concern that sees airway interference from soft tissues stop your ability to breathe. When this causes you to lose oxygen, your body must wake itself up to help you regain the ability to take in and expel air. We can take on this issue with a custom oral appliance. As an alternative to a CPAP machine, appliance therapy can provide relief by making your treatment solution more conservative and easier to adjust to. With that said, we can talk to you about the advantages to the use of a CPAP machine if your issue is not with obstructive sleep apnea.
Talk To Your DFW Area Dentist About Sleep Apnea!
Our DFW area dental office can provide more than just care for your teeth and gums. We provide sleep apnea solutions, which can help patients recover from an issue that can pose a serious issue for their health and quality of life! Whether you need to rely on a CPAP machine or custom oral appliance, we can talk to you about the benefits of treatment and help you regain the ability to remain at rest throughout the night! If you would like to find out more, schedule an appointment with Dental Sleep Solutions of DFW by calling 903-455-0516.