Loud Snoring Becoming A Problem?

loud snoring greenville txIf your friends and family have begun to mention their concerns about your loud snoring, take their worries to heart. This may be a sign of chronic obstructive sleep apnea, and if it is, it can hold you back in a number of ways. You could struggle to make it through the day, as we all need a full night of deep sleep in order to be effective. Even more than that, however, untreated sleep apnea greatly increases your risk of conditions like heart attack and stroke.

Our sleep clinic in Greenville & McKinney, TX has a solution for obstructive sleep apnea that is more comfortable and quieter than traditional CPAP therapy. If you have been holding off on seeking treatment due to the hoses and wires, we have an alternative that works by gently repositioning the jaw to keep the airway open throughout the night. For many patients, this is enough to calm the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea and reduce the health risks associated with this common sleep disorder. To find out more, call our office today!

Loud Snoring Could Be A Sign Of Something More Sinister

When you sleep, do you find yourself waking up throughout the night? Or are your loved ones starting to mention your loud snoring? If so, then it might be a sign that you are experiencing a common sleep disorder called chronic obstructive sleep apnea. This condition happens during your deepest form of rest, and when you are constantly waking up due to it, it can make every day a struggle.

Obstructive sleep apnea also poses other, more significant health problems when it is ignored. Those with untreated OSA experience higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions. They also see an increased likelihood of developing type II diabetes, so it is important to find a sleep solution that is effective at treating your common sleep disorder.

Oral Appliance Therapy Offers An Alternative To CPAP

For some people, the idea of traditional sleep apnea treatment is enough to turn them away. At our office, we understand that CPAP is not for everyone, and that is why we offer a comfortable and convenient OSA solution that can help you to ditch the hoses and masks.

Oral appliance therapy operates in a different way. With a simple shift in the position of the jaw, an oral appliance keeps the airway free from obstruction while you rest. Rather than living with your condition, explore your options to see if oral appliance therapy is right for you.

Treat OSA With An Oral Appliance From Our Team!

If you are ready to fight back against obstructive sleep apnea, ask about whether an oral appliance can improve your rest. To talk about your loud snoring, call Dental Sleep Solutions of Greenville & McKinney at (903)455-0516 today.