How Chronic Sleep Apnea Affects Your Health

Greenville, TX, dentist offers treatment for sleep apnea When you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it can take a serious toll on your overall well-being that you may not be aware of. This disorder can cause you to periodically stop breathing throughout the night, which disrupts your sleep cycle. It can cause you to snore loudly and chronically, which can disturb your spouse’s nightly rest and place a strain on your relationship. Your team at Dental Sleep Solutions in Greenville, TX, is here today to discuss the health concerns caused by OSA and possible treatments that may be able to help you.

Sleep Apnea Decreases Quality Of Rest

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes you to periodically stop breathing at night when your airways collapse. When this happens, you may be waking up throughout the night and not reaching a deep state of rest. As a result, you may not feel as refreshed in the morning. You can feel groggy, have trouble concentrating, and become easily irritated. Getting inadequate rest at night can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health, which is why it’s important to treat the disorder promptly. If you believe that you have OSA, talk to your dentist as soon as possible to get started on treatment.

The Toll It Takes On Your Oral Health

This disorder can also have a significant impact on your oral health. Many patients with OSA may breath with an open mouth to get better airflow at night. This can lead to dry mouth, which can increase your risk of cavities, gingivitis, and other oral health concerns because of the decreased saliva production. Additionally, many patients with OSA may have bruxism which is the chronic grinding of your teeth. Bruxism can rapidly wear down your dental structures, causing sensitivity and discomfort.

Custom Oral Appliance Could Bring Relief

CPAP machines in the past were used to help maintain a steady flow of oxygen to you at night. While this option can be effective, the machines can unfortunately be uncomfortable and bulky. Instead of using a CPAP machine, a custom oral appliance could be created to help treat your disorder and allow you to rest better at night. An oral appliance can help treat symptoms of OSA by keeping your jaw in place and keeping your airways open at night. Over time, you may notice that you are snoring less and snoozing better at night. Your appliance will be custom-made for your needs, so it fits comfortably and may be a more convenient solution than a CPAP.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

We can help you find a solution for this disorder, snoring, and more. To learn more, call Dental Sleep Solutions in Greenville, TX, today at 903-455-0516.