When You Need A Home Sleep Test

greenville home sleep studyIf you struggle with chronic snoring and daytime drowsiness, this could be due to sleep apnea. Without treatment, this could lead to major complications. But we can help with a home sleep test, in which we assess your risk and plan treatment in detail! In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist talks about our home sleep study.

The Warning Signs and Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea means that as you rest, soft tissues in the back of your mouth and in your throat could become too relaxed and then collapse. This cuts off airflow, so you stop breathing briefly before your brain wakes you to resume. For many, this could interrupt sleep multiple times a night, even if the patient doesn’t remember it. Over time, this could lead to daytime drowsiness, snoring, headaches, trouble concentrating, issues with short term memory, and more. There is even a real risk to your immune system, and strain on your heart health. If you experience one or more of these common symptoms, let us know so we can conduct a diagnosis and see if you need treatment.

The Home Sleep Study

To obtain a diagnosis with precision, we don’t want you to sleep in a lab setting. Instead, we will end you home with the WatchPAT ONE, a unique device that is worn while you sleep in your own bed. The machine is simple to use and comfortable to wear. While you rest, this will register indicators of sleep apnea and record them. A board-certified sleep physician will then interpret these results and find out if you need treatment. Our team may be able to address your sleep disorder with a comfortable and noninvasive oral appliance, which is worn like a mouthguard while you rest.

Pulse Oximeter

As part of your at-home diagnostic process, our team could also offer a screening tool known as a Pulse Oximeter. The device will record your oxygen levels and heart rate while you rest, and is used to better screen for presence of sleep apnea. This also helps us design your oral appliance to ensure a better fit and more effective treatment results. If you have any questions about how our team will treat sleep apnea and help you rest with ease again, or if you would like to schedule an appointment for an in-office consultation, then contact our team to learn more.

Talk To Our Team About Our Home Sleep Study

With a home sleep test, we can find out if you need treatment for sleep apnea and offer care to help you erst with ease and feel more refreshed each day. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, call Dental Sleep Solutions in Greenville, TX, today at 903-455-0516.