How a Custom Appliance Can Improve Your Sleep

Invisible dental teeth aligners brackets used to align each tooth in cosmetic dentistry for patients.For many adults, a restless night every once in a while is not anything to bat an eye at or even fret about. When you wake up feeling exhausted with a migraine yet had a full night’s rest, however, it may be time to become concerned. In fact, you may be experiencing a rest disorder such as sleep apnea, in which seeing a specialist is needed to correct the problem. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX dentist at Dental Sleep Solutions of Greenville will look at the benefits a custom appliance can provide to improve your night of rest.


Factors You May Not Know About Sleep Apnea

Man experiencing headache during the dayWhile snoring in and of itself is a common phenomenon that many people experience, the sleep disorder that is associated with it is not, and can actually lead to a variety of complications down the line. Most people are not aware that they are suffering from sleep apnea, as symptoms typically are first identified by a partner or person present when you rest. Fortunately, your Greenville, TX dentist at Dental Sleep Solutions of Greenville is here to not only help you identify factors about OSA that you may not be aware of but help you find a solution as well.


Do You Need A Sleep Assessment?

smith sleep assessmentWhat happens if you often feel tired during the day, and can’t seem to rest properly? If so, then you may have a disorder standing between you and proper rest. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist will explain how an assessment will help diagnose the presence of issues like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and help is offer the right treatment option.


Do You Have Trouble With Snoring?

greenville snoringWhen we snore at night, we not only have trouble resting, but we could be preventing our significant other from resting easy too! In addition, this could be a warning signs of a serious disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist would like to look at what you can do to stop snoring!


A Few Tips For A Better Night’s Rest

greenville sleep dentistDid you know that sometimes our bedtime habits could impact how well we sleep, and increase our risk of issues like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or snoring? In today’s blog, we would like look at ways to rest easier at night, and also discuss solutions from your Greenville, TX, dentist to treat issues for chronic snoring and OSA


Screening For Sleep Apnea At Home

greenville home sleep testOur last blog discussed how your Greenville, TX, dentist helps assess your potential risk of a disorder like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and chronic snoring. In today’s blog, we’re going to continue this by examining our home sleep study, which provides a precise and accurate diagnosis from the comfort of your own bed.
