Look Out For Signs Of Sleep Apnea

The warning signs of sleep apnea, when present, should be taken seriously. The sooner that you can recognize something is wrong with your nightly rest, the sooner you can deal with this problem and stop it from impacting your daily life, as well as your physical and mental health. To provide support, our DFW area dental practice can provide treatment through a custom appliance that keeps your airways clear and your breathing steady throughout the night. We can also help you determine if something is wrong by offering helpful information on sleep assessment, and even by providing a home sleep study! (more…)

Looking Into Professional Care For Snoring

If you snore while you sleep, you can keep your partner awake. If the noise you make is loud enough, you can even disturb others in your home! While this is certainly a reason to be worried about your nightly breathing, you should know that this problem can also affect your well-being. The interference with your breathing can lead to pain from a sore throat on a typical morning, and it can result in problems with headaches. It can also point to a potentially serious issue with sleep apnea. Our DFW area practice can offer solutions if you need help controlling a snoring problem! (more…)

Using Appliance Therapy For Sleep Apnea

Ongoing troubles with sleep apnea can create serious difficulties over time. The embarrassment you feel over loud, awkward snoring can be just one of many issues that you need to contend with if this condition affects you. The longer you let it go untreated, the more time you spend unable to enjoy a full night’s rest. This can lead to problems with fatigue, issues with your physical health, and complications that impact how you manage your emotional and mental well-being. At our DFW area practice, we provide helpful treatments for patients affected by this condition, including treatment in the form of oral appliance therapy. This is a solution that helps individuals struggling with sleep apnea that removes the need for a CPAP machine. (more…)

Gain Insight With A Sleep Assessment

sleep assessmentIf you’re consistently waking up tired, despite seemingly getting enough rest, you might suffer from a sleep disorder. Whether you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), snore chronically, or have another condition, there are ways to determine the root of your poor sleep. When you’re groggy and exhausted, other health problems can develop quickly, so do not wait to seek treatment. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist talks about the importance of a sleep assessment and the ways it can help diagnose disorders. 


The Health Effects Of Poor Sleep

Healthy SleepGetting a solid seven to nine hours of sleep is very important for your health. Maintaining good sleep hygiene — or the routine that surrounds going to bed — is a key component of functioning at your highest capacity. You have probably heard that you need to get an ample amount of sleep before, but you might not know why or what the detrimental effects of not doing so are. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist discusses the health risks of persistent poor sleep.  (more…)

Is Your Snoring A Health Issue?

SnoringSnoring is typically seen as just a common part of sleeping, and for the most part, it is. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, roughly 45% of adults do so occasionally while 25% snore regularly. In many cases, it is nothing to think twice about, but it can also be indicative of larger health issues — namely, sleep apnea. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist discusses the causes of snoring, how to know when it might reflect a health issue, and the remedies available to you. 


The Importance Of Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep HygieneA good night’s sleep is essential for functioning at your highest level. It ensures that you stay alert, productive, and generally feel better. However, sleeping well is sometimes easier said than done. There are myriad reasons — ranging from stress to external stimulation to medical issues, like sleep apnea — why you might have troubles falling and staying asleep. Luckily, there is an assortment of ways that you can improve your sleep habits and maintain good sleep hygiene. In today’s blog, your Greenville, TX, dentist discusses the importance of proper bedtime habits and several, proven ways you can improve the quality of your sleep.
